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Lighting Applications

Mu Xin companies to provide a full range of efficient and reliable components used in lighting, such as conventional energy-saving lamps, LED lighting, LED power supply, LED and other commercial applications.
As an innovative service provider of passive components, contribute to the development of our product line of advanced technology lighting industry to ensure better performance, energy efficiency and sustainable living.


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Address: Hong Bao business building on the village Changan town Dongguan City, room 508
Tel: +86-769-85075532
Mobile phone: 13423041411 Mr Li
Fax: +86-769-85383337
E-mail: danny@dgxinmu.com
Copyright 2015 Dongguan City Xin Mu Electronics Co. Ltd. Copyright All Rights Reserved 粤ICP备11064747号-1
Address: Hong Bao business building on the village Changan town Dongguan City, room 508 Tel:0769-85075532 FAX:0769-85383337
E-mail:danny@dgxinmu.com Technical support:Dongguan network companydongdian
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